Beginning of Democracy Education Series

Beginning of Democracy Education Series

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our Democracy Education Series, an innovative initiative by the Governance and Rule of Law Studies Group of Afghanistan New Generation Experts Network (ANGEN), and spearheaded by the Democracy Awareness Initiative. 📢 Latest News! 📢 In our ongoing commitment to knowledge and awareness, we’ve released two educational video clips: 1️⃣ Social Democracy: Discover the […]

Concern Over the Suspension of the Evacuation Program for Endangered Afghans to Germany

Concern Over the Suspension of the Evacuation Program for Endangered Afghans to Germany

We would like to draw your attention to recent developments concerning proposed changes in immigration policies in Germany. These proposals, presented by the CDU and CSU coalition to the Bundestag, have raised significant concerns within ANGEN. The Urgency of the Situation: Now, as Afghanistan faces new challenges and threats, including the banning of girls’ education, the establishment of religious schools […]

Break the Chains of Silence: Empower Afghan Women

Break the Chains of Silence: Empower Afghan Women

In the darkness of oppression, a glimmer of hope remains Join Us in a Global Call for Change The plight of Afghan women cannot be ignored. In a world where voices unite for justice, we stand together to ask for their freedom. We implore all individuals and champions of human rights worldwide to record a heartfelt message. Let your words […]

Beginning of Artificial Intelligence Training Course

Beginning of Artificial Intelligence Training Course

We’re excited to announce the start of our Artificial Intelligence training course, initiated by the Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Studies Working Group. In a tech-evolving world, Afghanistan strives to catch up. Our network of Afghan experts is here to make technology accessible. We’re simplifying complex concepts, and inviting Afghan youth to embrace the power of knowledge in this transformative […]

Join Our Global Campaign! Empowering Afghan Women through Education: Global Unity for Change

Join Our Global Campaign! Empowering Afghan Women through Education: Global Unity for Change

On the eve of the third year of Taliban rule over Afghanistan, we, the Afghanistan Experts Network, call upon academic institutions and universities worldwide to join our campaign to break barriers and empower Afghan women and girls through education! The restrictions imposed on nearly 18 million Afghan women and girls have left them trapped in a figurative prison, denying them […]



Given the present situation in Afghanistan, with strong restrictions to women’s higher education, the master programmes at the Geneva Graduate Institute aim to broaden the reach of Afghan women’s university education abroad, giving them a competitive advantage in the global community. A master could provide access to an academic and diplomatic career, a job in international and non-governmental organisations, or […]

Scholarships for Afghan Women-Spain

Scholarships for Afghan Women-Spain

The purpose of the Scholarships for Afghan Women is to facilitate access and admission to the University of Valencia for female students and graduates of Afghan nationality who are enrolled in university studies or who already have degrees in their country of origin and face the exceptional situation of being at risk of not being able to continue their studies […]

حکومت همه شمول، نظر مردم افغانستان چیست؟

حکومت همه شمول، نظر مردم افغانستان چیست؟

شبکه متخصصان نسل نو افغانستان با ایجاد این سروی تلاش دارد تا فرصت ابراز نظر مردم افغانستان در مورد آینده نظام سیاسی شان را فراهم نماید. یافته های این سروی در طرحی که برای طرف های دخیل در قضیه افغانستان ترتیب می شود انعکاس خواهد یافت.این سروی 2 تا 4 دقیقه وقت را در بر خواهد گرفت. [gravityform id=”3″ title=”true”]